Friday, August 5, 2011

Does wearing plaid flannel shirts make me a lesbian?

Opinions. Who is and is not entitled to them. Well, I was raised to recognize that everyone is entitled to their opinion. In my family if we didn't share our opinions, we'd probably explode. True story. My family is wonderful, by the way...Tangent! Sorry. Anyway--so yes, everyone has an opinion, and everyone has a right to voice their opinion.

But this is where some folks get mixed up.

Yes, you may have your opinion. Opinion it up, homie! But at the same time, I reserve the right to come back at you with a little opinion of my own. Recently, my lovely sister-in-law posted a blog about how someone who shall remain nameless (can't even imagine the hate mail galore!!) called my nephew an "effing fag" for having pink nail polish. He's in a family of five boy children, one girl child, and a feminine mother. Well, the girl child is feminine too, but that's not the point.

You may argue that children have a "follow the leader" mentality. And they do. But they also strive to be creative and imaginative. And by not allowing them that, you are crushing their childhood, their essence of...well, what makes them a child! There is nothing wrong with a little boy asking to have his nails painted like his Mom and sister. Pink nail polish makes no one gay. I've had my nails painted pink plenty, and I'm still quite straight.

So, saying that pink nail polish will make a little boy gay? That's like saying "OH, WEARING A PLAID FLANNEL SHIRT IS TOTALLY GOING TO MAKE ME A LESBIAN!" doesn't, right? Okay, good. Yeah. Argument still stands. (No offense, using a stupid stereotype!)

Now, okay. This was my argument. She can have her opinions about gays. But when you try to force things down people's throats, that's when I get angry. There's an old saying, and don't become offended, it's just something I use to make a point. Religion and penises have something in common. Don't go stuffing them down people's throats. ...Well, unless they ask or get paid for it, ha-ha. (Don't prostitute, it's bad, m'kay??) And no, I don't know any religious people who shove religion at me. I don't keep those kind of people in my life.

And I could go slamming the woman who called my nephew this. But it would do no good, she's an idiot and never responds to advice. It's like talking to a very slutty, infectious brick wall.

TANGENT ALERT! Back on track. Anyway, anyone is allowed to have their opinion of anything. Religion (Nazarene here!), Homosexuals (I'm not gay, but you can be gay, and that's okay!), abortion (pro-choice), Racism (it's the dumbest thing since the people who couldn't manage to think up sliced bread), Casey Anthony (guilty as sin!)...hell, even hamburgers (PICKLESSSS!) THAT'S NOT THE POINT. YOU DON'T GO AROUND TRYING TO SHOVE YOUR BELIEFS OF ANYTHING AT PEOPLE. Especially not children. "Oh, but it's a free country! Free speech!" Well then forgive me if I brick you in the head as my opinion and then run away going "Free speech! FREEEEE SPEEEEECH!"

ALSO, while I'm on this topic. Fag, whore, the 'n' word or any other racist monicker, curse words. "Oh, Alex, that would be 'Things not to say around children!'" And you know what. I'd win that double jeopardy, bitches.

See? Bitches. Only because I know children don't read this blog. Or shouldn't... Have I said that before? Oh yeah. Don't read this blog, children!! Adults, read the hell out of it.


Read it.

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