Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Baptism Testimonial

Very excited! Sunday, I am taking the next logical step in my faith: baptism. I was asked to write a testimonial to read in front of everyone. Let me know what you think?

"Up until just a few months ago, I was meandering listlessly through my life, with no direction and no fulfillment. I was hateful to my family, and poisoning the world around me with cynical words and harsh actions. I had dropped out of college and no longer had an acceptable plan for my life. I decided, upon seeing the change God made in my mother's life, to attend church. I discovered the unconditional love God and Christ hold for me, and nothing in my life has ever been so overwhelming or meaningful. Now, with the help of God, my mother has saved me like she has done so many times before. I am no longer afraid to tell the world what sort of person I used to be because I am proud of the positive, spirited, confident, and above all, on-track woman I am today. God has changed everything in my life, and has transformed me into the person those closest to me (and more importantly, myself) always hoped I could be. Where there was darkness, there is now beauty and brilliance, and I can fully see the right path He has created for me."

1 comment:

  1. I thank you for keeping me posted on your blog. I am very impressed that you have found God, and with that a comfort that you have never known before. I am proud of you. I wish I could be there tomorrow, but know that I am with you in spirit and my support of your decision is tremendous. Take the new chapter in your life and work hard at becoming the person we have always known you were capable of being.
