Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sometimes...Good Things Fall Apart, So Better Things Can Come Together...

That's my theme for this blog entry, m'dears. "Sometimes, good things fall apart, so better things can fall together."

At some point in time this has meant something to someone. Whether it is a romantic relationship, a friendship, or not even a relationship at all.

My good friend Stephanie got broken up with by her boyfriend from where she lived before she moved to Chicago. She was heartbroken, trying to convince him that what he had with this new girl was nothing compared to what he had with her. She kept a strong face, although she was hurt by it. But lo and behold, I log onto facebook today to find out she's with someone who, by a LONG shot, is far better for her than her ex ever could be. Stephanie and Ayden, if either one of you read this, this is my hope for the best for the two of you. My Jew self would say Mazel Tov.

My sister-in-law Holly is another shining example. She went through a tough relationship, being both physically and emotionally abused by her ex. Yet she dragged herself away from it with a baby in tow, only to find my brother who is now Dad to that young boy, and her knight in shining armor.

I'm even a decent example. I had what I thought was the best relationship in the world with my ex, Shawn. I loved him, and to this day I still do a little bit, that will never change. But I realized between the two of us, we just were not good together. We brought the worst out in each other. And that lead me to where I am today, trying to better myself and make myself happy.

So here's my theme for you today, kiddies. If you're someone in a damaging relationship, reeling from a break up, or simply can't find yourself...don't give up. While it may seem that perfect part of your life is in shatters now, you will put it together in a way that is far more beautiful than it was before. Always Remember: sometimes, good things fall apart so better things can come together.

I love you all! Expect a video blog sometime in the future!!

I'll see you another time, all of my little lovelies! Have a great day!

The Littlest One

**What I'm Listening To:
Dedicated to Shawn Forbes**

1 comment:

  1. This post is awesome! I cried when I saw my name. You are truly right, you brother has been my knight in shining armor. You are a very strong woman, and it has been awesome to see you grow up. Nice choice of song...btw I may use this blog has a cross post to my Love Nest blog...( you should follow it, and maybe be featured)
